

Department of Biochemistry

Research Projects

S.No. Title of Project and Sanction Letter No Sponsor / Funding Agency Sanctioned Amount (Rs. in Lakhs) Tenure / Duration Supervisor / Principal Investigator / Co-Supervisor Number of Manpower / Research Fellows Brief Objective
1.  Investigations on the role of innate immune response in neuroprotective effects of synthetic & natural heterosteroids on Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis and Cognition
ICMR 6000000 36 Months Prof. Ranju Bansal / Prof. Rajat Sandhir 1 To investigate the neuroprotective potential of heterosteroids on Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis and Cognition
2.  Development and Evaluation of Potential LXR Modulators Against Sporadic Alzheimer’s Disease
DST-SERB 5301690 36 months Prof. Rajat Sandhir / 1 1. To identify the novel potential LXR modulators by virtual screening and analyzing the structure-function relationship. 2. In vitro evaluation of LXR modulators for agonistic activity in glial-neuron co-culture model system. 3. To study the effect of LXRs modulation on expression of LXRs, NSCs proliferation, differentiation and fate-specification in sAD model. 4. To investigate the effect of LXRs modulation on lipid metabolism, glucose metabolism, lipid raft organization and inflammation in brain hippocampus of sAD model. 5. Evaluating the anti-Alzheimer's like properties of selected lead compound using behavioral and biochemical analysis in animal model of sAD. 6. To investigate the effect of LXR modulation on the status of Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway in adult hippocampus neurogenesis in a rat model of sAD.
3.  DBT-BUILDER-Panjab University Interdisciplinary Life Science Programme for Advance Research and Education.
DBT-BUILDER 99998000 60 months Prof. Archana Bhatnagar and Prof. Amarjit Singh Naura / 2 1. To create world-class research facility to perform high-end research in Life Sciences. 2. To train manpower in the upcoming areas of life sciences and for industrial needs. 3. To foster new collaborations with academia and industry. 4. To innovate, invent and disseminate knowledge for the benefit of society.
4.  Selection for antimicrobial resistance by antimicrobial production waste.
DBT 4817120 36 months Dr. Dipti Sareen / 1 1. What impact does antimicrobial production waste have on the diversity and abundance of microbial communities? 2. What is the exact chemical composition of antimicrobial production waste? 3.Which components of antimicrobial production waste can select for evolution of resistance to antibiotics?
5.  Investigation of glutamine conjugated organotin compounds as chemotherapeutic agents and their evaluation in colon cancer model systems.
CSIR 1500000 36 months Prof. Navneet Agnihotri / 0 1. Designing of organotin(IV) compounds using Machine learning-based approaches 2. Synthesis and characterization of glutamine-based organotin(IV) compounds 3. Determination of DNA-binding ability of compounds using computational and biophysical studies. 4. Screening of compounds against colon cancer cell lines. 5.Evaluation of chemotherapeutic potential of selected compounds in experimental model of colon cancer.
6.  Analysis and evaluation of ergosterol and its derivatives as agonists of LXRs and their anticancer potential in colorectal cancer.
ICMR 4759700 36 months Prof. Navneet Agnihotri / 0 1. Analysis of the structure-function relationship of LXRs and ergosterol and its derivatives. 2. Determination of antitumor potential of selected LXR agonists in vitro. 3. Determining the antitumor potential of selected LXR agonists in DMH/DSS induced experimental CRC.
7.  Influenza virus-host interplay in viral genome and nucleoprotein (NP) function and identification of host target for therapeutic intervention.
DBT 10010000 60 months Dr. Dipanjan Dutta / 0 1. Characterization of host protein associated with Influence ceirus nucleoprotein. 2. Characterization of host protein associated with ceiral genome. 3. Indentification of viral genome/NP associated cnecial host factors required for ceirus multiplication.

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