

Department of Biochemistry

Students Notices

Golden Chance date extened till 28.07.2021

All the eligible students to note and fill their forms accordingly and submit the copy of their form to the office immediately for further process.

Click here to view: Golden Chance date extened till 28.07.2021

  Dated: 26/07/2021
2. 02/03/2022B.Sc.1st Sem exam 2021-2022
3. 25/02/2022Scholarship form for SC students of Punjab (Ambedkar) portal opened
4. 22/02/2022Revised admission schedule for Ph.D and M.Phil for the session 2021-2002
5. 18/02/2022Extension of Last date for the submission of Ph.D admission applications
6. 17/02/2022Result of M.Sc. (H) 1st Semester Feb 2021
7. 17/02/2022Scholarship - Mrs. & Dr. V.S. Puri scholarship for the session 2021-2022
8. 10/02/2022Notice for opening the deptt in offline classes
9. 10/02/2022Free Education for Meritorious SC & BC students by Chd administration
10. 10/02/2022Award of Interpal Singh "Palu' Scholarship
11. 28/01/2022Regarding Fee concessions form
12. 28/01/2022Award of PU Fellowship for Ph.D 2021
13. 28/01/2022Extra Mural Activities scholarship for the session 2021-2022
14. 28/01/2022Student scholarship fund for the session 2021-2022
15. 21/01/2022Internet Allowance - Punjab
16. 21/01/2022Punjab Govt. Internet Allowances letter
17. 05/01/2022Result of M.Sc. (H) 4th Semester June 2021
18. 04/01/2022Award of scholarship PU Soldier Fund 2021-2022
19. 04/01/2022Award of Mrs. Udham Kaur Menon Scholarshop 2021-2022
20. 04/01/2022Award of 25 late Diwan Som Nath and 10 Late radha Krishan Prem kaur scholarship for the session 2021-2022
21. 04/01/2022Award of late Sh. Pritam Nath & Mrs. Ram Pairi Scholarshop @ 500 pm for 2021-2022
22. 30/12/2021Fee for 2ns installment
23. 21/12/2021List of Mentor and Mentee 2020-21
24. 17/12/2021Postponed on Odd Semester practical Examination - Dec 2021
25. 15/12/2021Circular attendance for Odd semester 2021-2022
26. 15/12/2021Labhu Ram Sharma and Shanti Ram Scholarship 2020-2021 & 2021-2022
27. 09/12/2021Result of B.Sc. (H) Biochemistry 4th Semester - June 2021 issued vide Notification No. 2021-J/1 dated 09.12.2021
28. 09/12/2021Result of Deepanshu -B.Sc. (H) Biochemistry 2nd Semester - June 2021 issued vide Notification No. 2021-J/1 dated 09.12.2021
29. 09/12/2021Result of B.Sc. (H) Biochemistry 2nd Semester - June 2021 issued vide Notification No. 2021-J/1 dated 09.12.2021
30. 02/12/2021Award of stipends to poor and deserving students of PU
31. 02/12/2021Award of stipend to wards of Pu employees B and C Class
32. 02/12/2021Financial Assistance to SC/ST students for the session 2021-2022
33. 26/11/2021Student Registration Return upto 29.11.2021
34. 23/11/2021Circular of Directorate of Social Welfare Punjab for Merit cum Means scholarship and Post matric Scholarship
35. 22/11/2021Scholarship - Merit cum Means Loan Subsidy Scheme for Self Financing Course 2020-2022
36. 22/11/2021Scholarship form Sarbat Da Bhalla Charitable Trust" by PU
37. 16/11/2021Examination fee Notice for B.Sc.-I Semester
38. 15/11/2021special summary Revision of Photo Electoral Rolls -
39. 15/11/2021scholarship notice for students
40. 11/11/2021Free Ship card
41. 08/11/2021Examination fees extension of dates for UG/PG classes
42. 26/10/2021Admission - M.Sc. -I (Honour) from Waiting List for the session 2021-2022
43. 26/10/2021NSS Enrolment form for the session 2021-2022
44. 05/10/2021Notice for balance fee dated 05.10.2021
45. 05/10/2021Notice - Balance fee AR Accounts letter dated 27.09.2021
46. 30/09/2021PU NSS joining Notice for the session 2021-2022
47. 30/09/2021Fees Notice - for B.Sc. & M.Sc. -December 2021
48. 16/09/2021Circular Regarding Internship
49. 14/09/2021L.R. Mundra Memorial Scholarship -2021-22, Saini Chairtable Education Trust, Ropar, Punjab
50. 14/09/2021Scholarship for Punjab Merit/Danga parrit 2021
51. 08/09/2021Circular regarding scholarship under NSP 2021-22
52. 07/09/2021PMS -SC registration for freeship card
53. 06/09/2021M.Sc. (H) 1st Year -1st Sem fee for ongoing admission for the session 2021-2022
54. 03/09/2021B.Sc. Honour - 6th Semester - June, 2021, issued vide notification No. 2021/J/1 dated 02.09.2021
55. 23/08/2021Last date for applying online admission forms for Postgraduate courses available at in the Panjab University, extended up to August 30, 2021.
56. 17/08/2021Regarding filling of Admission form for M.Sc 1st Semester
57. 13/08/2021Ph.D Hand book 2021-2022 for Research Scholar
58. 10/08/2021Library membership for students for session 2021-2022
59. 09/08/2021Admission form for the session 2021-2022
60. 09/08/2021Admission fees for the session 2021-2022
61. 23/07/2021B.Sc. (H) Bio-Chem - 5th Semester Result -Feb 2021
62. 22/07/2021Library fine for the session 2019-2020 for B.Sc/M.Sc Bio Chem Students
63. 23/04/2021B.Sc. Honour - Biochem -4th Semester - May 2020, issued vide notification No. 2020/M-1
64. 23/04/2021CET PG 2021 admission
65. 20/04/2021Examination Fees for (Regular & Reappear students) for June-July 2021
66. 19/04/2021B.Sc. Honour -4th Semester - May 2020, issued vide notification No. 2020/M-1
67. 19/04/2021B.Sc. Honour -Second Semester - May 2019, issued vide notification No. 2019/M-3
68. 12/04/2021M.Sc. (Honours) 2nd Semester Biochemistry result -May 2020 issued by PU Notification No. 2020-M1 dated 09.04.2021
69. 09/04/2021Result of the Pre-Ph.D Course work in Biochemistry, Dec 2020.
70. 23/10/2019List of Mentor and Mentee, 2019-20
71. 20/09/2019Newsletter 2019
72. 25/09/2018List of Mentor and Mentee, 2018-19

Enquiry No(s): 1800-180-2065, +91 172 2534818, 2534866 (from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm & 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm on working days )

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